Saturday 11 April 2009

Paul & Ringo at Radio City CD

A little treat from our friendly neighbourhood homebrew company, Nowhere Man Records, this. Collected from dozens of youtube-clips and edited together to make a complete audience recording of the most Beatle-relevant portions of the recent "Concert for TM" gig over at Radio City Music Hall in New York, this CD should provide you with a great souvenir from this event, whether you were there, or wish you were. At least until some major company decides either to broadcast it or to release a concert DVD.
"Ladies And Gentlemen...Billy Shears!" by The Twotles is available for download on one of our neighbourhood blogs.
After this release, Nowhere Man Records have already released another fine CD: "Sexy Sadie's Summer School", a BBC documentary about The Beatles In Bangor, Wales.

Nowhere Man Records

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