Sunday 21 August 2011

Dutch Let It Be video cassette

Click to enlarge

Remember the 1983 German  official Let It Be release on Warner Home Video as a VHS video cassette? Well, it seems there was also a 1984 Dutch release. I found this scan while browsing the internet. This is the Betamax release, but I assume there was also a VHS one. The two formats were competing for world domination back in the day, and VHS won, being the inferior format with more cash to spend on advertising. I wonder how many countries LET IT BE was released in?
The US laserdisc release is the most well-known official home video release of Let It Be

As I've noted before, I've seen a copy of Let It Be in a Norwegian video rental shop back in the early days of video rental (around 1981), but I have no recollection of what it looked like. If you have any information about Let It Be home video releases (apart from the confirmed ones from USA, Germany and now Holland), I'd like to hear from you.

1 comment:

  1. I bought the Dutch official version as well, BUT it was in 'VIDEO 2000' system.
