Friday 20 September 2013

More Macca Mojo

On sale from Tuesday, September 24, the latest issue of MOJO magazine goes large on Paul McCartney: his new album, New and the irksome fog of myth that surrounds the Beatles. In an exclusive interview, briefly excerpted here, Paul explains how the new song "On The Way To Work" alludes to his between-Hamburg-stints stopgap as a driver’s mate for "Speedy Prompt Deliveries", and that he had more complaints about the "Nowhere Boy" film than previously reported.
The free CD, "Songs In The Key Of Paul", presents power pop in the benign shadow of Macca; Flamin’ Groovies, Robyn Hitchcock, Cotton Mather, Yo La Tengo, Redd Kross and Squeeze pitch in.

1 comment:

  1. Strange CD. It only has about three McCartney songs on it, along with seemingly unrelated stuff like Squeeze "Pulling Mussels From A Shell". Also the lead-off track by Robyn Hitchcock, I would guess, is the version he recorded and released many years ago. So what's the purpose of the CD, other than to encourage people to buy the mag? Seems a little underhand to me.
