Friday 22 November 2013

It was 50 years ago today...

Poster for the Beatles concert on November 22nd, 1963
22. November, 1963. President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas, Texas. Everyone who was around at that time remembers where they were when they got the message.
It was also the release date of the Beatles' second album, "With The Beatles".
But where were the Beatles? They were playing in Stockton.
Tony Bramwell remembers the day: "50 years ago on November 22nd I was in Stockton-On-Tees doing two shows on The Beatles huge British Beatlemania Tour. Between shows we were informed that President J.F.Kennedy had been assassinated in Dallas, Texas. The mood for the second concert was definitely subdued, although of course the audience had not heard the dreadful news!" takes us back to that day.

The Beatles on stage at the Globe in Stockton.
Mark Lewisohn has also done some research about how the news reached the British public, check out his article on the subject here.

What's hard to fathom is that it was only 17 years between the murders of the two namesakes, president Kennedy and "our own" John.


  1. Excellent post! Thank you SO much! I'm well impressed with this post and will share the link with the Picture Stockton site as The Globe, where the Beatles performed, is now undergoing a £7m restoration. Thank you! Would it be OK to put this poster on the Picture Stockton site please?

  2. I honestly don't know, the poster was erm posted by Tony Bramwell via Facebook, I just nicked it ;-)
