Friday 4 March 2016

The Beatles in the news

Long time Beatles fan Colin Barratt has taken his personal collection of news cuttings about The Beatles from the UK in the sixties and turned them into a series of books - paperback and Kindle editions. The books are printed on demand by Interviews; adverts; tour listings are all here.

News cutting
Through this link, you can take a sneak peek inside the first volume.

This is a nice opportunity to read stories and see what the press said about them, all those years ago. The vast majority of cuttings will not have been seen since their one and only publication.

Another cutting
So far, Colin has published the following volumes:

Colin has also started a Facebook group, where he publishes both cuttings from his books as well as other, interesting Beatles material.


  1. Customers seem kind of disappointed that the books contain low-quality B&W photocopies, with little to no info on the sources, and sometimes illegible text. Also hard to zoom in sometimes, they say, although most of them think the books are cool anyway.

  2. That sounds like a lot of spam voodoo.
